ST-Cyber Resilience Act – How STM32Trust can help with your conformance, in partnership with Anglia
MS Teams, 12th December 2024, 11am GMT
Duration: 1 hour
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The webinar, presented by ST, in partnership with Anglia, will cover an introduction to the Cyber Resilience Act and how STM32Trust simplifies your approach to security. STM32 MCUs and MPUs put security at the centre of the equation between developers and market regulations.
The European Cyber Resilience Act is a legal framework that describes the cybersecurity requirements for hardware and software products with digital elements placed on the market of the European Union. Manufactures are now obliged to take security seriously throughout a product's life cycle.
The security implementations are developed by ST in the context of assurance and in compliance with the security schemes. They also aim to match the different requirements of the industry standards, such as CRA, on different levels to provide more scalability.
Chris Broadbent
Chris is the general purpose MCU and MPU Technical Marketing Manager for EMEA. With 35 years' experience in the electronics industry, Chris joined ST in 2007 as a field applications engineer before becoming responsible for business development of ST's MCU, MPU, BLE and sub-GHz products for the UK and Ireland.
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