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Taoglas Launch Super Compact 5G/4G Wideband Monopole Antenna, samples available from Anglia
The Apex TG.66 is a hinged monopole antenna designed to cover all global 5G/4G frequencies between 600MHz and 6GHz.

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Customers benefit as distributors move closer to manufacturing

Bill Ingram - CEO of Anglia


While many distributors rightly concentrate a great deal of effort on developing their systems to improve service levels for customers, it is important for them not to overlook the other end of the supply chain, i.e. the manufacturers of the products they are selling.

Even where distribution companies have no direct involvement in manufacturing themselves, they can exert substantial influence over manufacturers due to the high volumes of products that they purchase. So if a distributor's customer has a special requirement, the distributor can use that influence in order to ensure that the end customer's need is met.

Distributors need to develop channels at both ends of the supply chain in order to ensure that customers enjoy the highest possible levels of service. For most distributors, this will mean fostering closer links with manufacturing, while always keeping in mind the need to satisfy the end customer's requirements.

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This news article was originally published in August 2001.

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