Anglia Components

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STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 low power Infrared Sensor offers excellent sensitivity and detects stationary objects. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The STHS34PF80 sensor from STMicroelectronics is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared (IR) motion and presence detection sensor.

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Anglia and Harting celebrate a successful first year

  Anglia recently celebrated the highly successful first year as a distributor for leading connector manufacturer Harting. Anglia has achieved numerous important design wins since signing up with Harting twelve months ago.

Harting employs around 2,400 staff world-wide and manufactures its products in seven automated manufacturing plants in Europe, Asia and North America. Its UK operations are based in Northampton.

Commenting on the first year, Steve Rawlins, Managing Director of Anglia said: "Harting has a large and diverse range of technically advanced interconnection products. Anglia has been successful with these products because of the strong technical and applications support that we are able to offer. This has enabled us to assist our customers in selecting the most innovative solutions to their interconnection requirements"

Click on this link to go to the main Harting section where you can view additional product data.

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This news article was originally published in December 2001.

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