Anglia Components

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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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Relay Solution for Designers

Cost savings of up to 75% can be realised when using an automotive relay in high current industrial applications. A common view is that in order to switch larger currents, such as 30 or 40 amps, many designers will have to consider a more traditional and expensive heavy duty relay.

With an ever present need to reduce costs, whilst maintaining board functionality, using an alternative relay originally designed for automotive applications can help drastically reduce component expenditure.

Anglia, who have been the sole agent for OKO for 8 years, supplies their K32 range of relays to a variety of applications unrelated to the automotive industry. Developed for the quality focused automotive market, the range which includes many different variants, is rated up to 40A, 14Vdc and is available with a choice of mounting styles to ensure compatibility with most designs.

The latest addition to the range, a PCB mounted changeover relay, also rated up to 40 amps, has enabled customers with heavy duty applications such as lighting and motor control to integrate their power relay requirements on board rather than off board, reducing costs in production. Mounting brackets are also available within the range for applications where the relay needs to be connected to a wiring harness via 6.35mm spade connections.

Typically customers who have a high inrush application have used the K32 range, but it is equally suited to use in more benign designs where customers require a small but powerful relay. The product is also available with an internal back EMF protection diode if required.

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This news article was published in January 2003.

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