Anglia Components

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STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 low power Infrared Sensor offers excellent sensitivity and detects stationary objects. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The STHS34PF80 sensor from STMicroelectronics is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared (IR) motion and presence detection sensor.

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Anglia wins HARTING Broadline Distributor of the Year Award


Anglia has won the 'Broadline Distributor of the Year' award from connector manufacturer HARTING. The award was presented for the significant increase in Anglia's sales growth over the previous year. Commenting on Anglia's success, Simon Asbury, Electronic Distribution Manager for HARTING, said: 'This award is in recognition of the focus, commitment and the overall hard work put in by the whole Anglia team'.

Pictured at the HARTING/Anglia distribution award presentation are (left to right) Jim Ward (Sales Director, Anglia), Simon Asbury (Distribution Manager, HARTING), Richard Wood (MD HARTING), Steve Rawlins (MD, Anglia), Caroline Edwards (HARTING Franchise Manager at Anglia), Paul Northam (HARTING) and Fiona Occardi (Distribution Administrator, HARTING)

He added: 'In today's very competitive market, distributors need to be able to provide the customer with short lead times, technical competence and customer service excellence, and Anglia have demonstrated their ability to provide all three.'

Receiving the award on behalf of Anglia, Steve Rawlins, the company's Managing Director, said: 'I am very pleased to receive this award on behalf of all the Anglia team, and am delighted that our design programme has brought such significant market share.'

For more information on the full range of Harting products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was published in May 2003.

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