Anglia Components

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Taoglas Launch Super Compact 5G/4G Wideband Monopole Antenna, samples available from Anglia
The Apex TG.66 is a hinged monopole antenna designed to cover all global 5G/4G frequencies between 600MHz and 6GHz.

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Robert Bellamy's 25 years service with Anglia

Robert Bellamy celebrates 25 years service with Anglia Group Managing Director Steve Rawlins.


Robert Bellamy is presented with a commemorative tree and a cheque for £1000 in recognition to his 25 years service at Anglia.


Robert joined to company on the 14th May 1979 and has worked in many departments including customer relations and credit control before his current position in the Business Development department.


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This news article was originally published in May 2004.

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