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Magnetone's extensive range of Sounders covers the most popular industry types


Consisting of electro-magnetic and piezo-electric devices the range extends from sub-miniature transducers through to high power sirens.

Electro-magnetic sounders

Magnetone's product line up in this area comprises of externally driven transducers and solid state buzzers with a built-in drive, all housed in moulded cases.

The sub-miniature transducers are available in two sizes, 12mm & 16mm diameter, and are designed to be driven from an external audio source. Suitable for single and multitone sound output or basic reproduction of speech, they are ideal for battery operated equipment. Supplied in a variety of body heights most of the range have pcb pins although an option of wire leads is also provided. Sealed versions are also available to suit board washing.

The electro-magnetic buzzers have a built-in oscillator circuit which enables direct operation from a low voltage DC supply and offer long life and high efficiency. They are housed in the familiar miniature rectangular bodies which deliver a low pitched, continuous single tone sound output, or sub-miniature circular bodies which deliver a high pitched sound. The rectangular devices have a choice of termination method (pcb pins or wire leads), body colour (cream or black) and rated voltage (from 3V to 24Vdc). In addition, a triggered version is available for external control of the sounder. The circular devices have pcb pins and black bodies which are fully sealed to withstand wave soldering and washing. Supplied in two sizes, 12mm & 16mm, they offer a choice of operating voltage.

Piezo-electric sounders

Magnetone's considerable and diverse product line up in this area comprises of externally driven transducers and a huge variety of sounders with a built-in drive, most of which are housed in moulded cases.

The piezo transducers are available either unhoused where they consist of the basic ceramic disc bonded to a thin brass plate, or housed, in pcb or panel mounting cases. They are designed to be driven by an external sine or square wave source. The unhoused types are supplied with or without a feedback electrode, in a variety of diameters, whereas the housed types have the option of low profile cases in various sizes or high power styles in clear or black panel mounting bodies suited to bell box applications.

The piezo sounders are all housed and have a built-in drive circuit to enable direct operation from a low voltage DC supply They deliver a high pitched sound output with a low power consumption and whilst most types have a continuous single tone output, pulsed/chime versions are also provided. The range consists of a wide choice of pcb mounting/wire connection devices with body sizes from 14 to 40mm which offer numerous style, colour and rated voltage options (including a triggered type) to suit a multitude of applications. Moving up to the larger panel mounting sounders with increased sound output, a choice of style (round with rear tags, rectangular 'sound bomb' and siren types with wire leads) is provided together with the option of sound mode, operating voltage and an output level up to 123dB at 1m.

To view product data on the Magnetone range of Sounders, click on the links below.

For more information on the full range of Magnetone products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in June 2004.

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