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Wide Terminal low resistance low T.C.R resistors from KOA offer high power handling capability and high reliability, samples available from Anglia
KOA have introduced the WU73 series of wide terminal surface mount resistors, this family of resistors offer high power handling, high reliability and excellent temperature stability performance.

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Anglia launches web based search facility for terminal blocks


Selecting the correct terminal block for any application is critically important but not always the easiest thing to accomplish.

To assist both Engineers and Buyers in the selection process Anglia has developed in-house a web based product selector for all its terminal block products. The selector is free to use and is designed to greatly reduce the time needed to choose the correct product for any application.

Utilising the latest software technology, the search engine allows the user to select the ideal terminal block for their application based upon seven main criteria:-

  • No of poles/ways
  • Pitch
  • Wire connection method
  • Mounting direction
  • Mounting method
  • Minimum current rating
  • Minimum voltage rating

By selecting one or more of these criteria allows the search engine to narrow the number of parts returned, obviously the more criteria that are selected the better the search results will be. However, the search engine is very flexible and the user is given the option of filling in as many or as few criteria as they wish making the search function very easy to use. For instance, by just selecting two criteria the number of results is narrowed quite considerably thus making the selection process much easier.

Currently the database lists over 700 different lines of terminal blocks available from manufacturers such as Taicom and Lumberg. Click on the link below and give it a go.

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This news article was published in June 2004.

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