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Design Techniques for Signal Conditioning with Anglia and Analog Devices, register now for a Free Workshop place
Anglia and Analog Devices are hosting two in depth technical workshops in April. The workshops will focus on the exploration of the signal chain and techniques to quantify noise, signal conditioning of analog /digital converters.

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Charity donation ceremony at Anglia's recent Corporate Event


The cheque was presented by Neville Reyner CBE DL, Anglia's corporate adviser, to Walter Herriott OBE, director of St Johns Innovation Centre, Cambridge.

The donation was for FSID, Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths.

Walter attended the Corporate Event to share his experiences from his involvement with Innovation Start up companies in Cambridge.

Neville, who joined Anglia earlier this year, was pleased to present the cheque to the Foundation in recognition of the excellent work they have carried out in their field.

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This news article was originally published in June 2004.

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