Anglia Components

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STMicroelectronics introduce L6986I synchronous isolated buck converter samples and evaluation boards available from Anglia.
STMicroelectronics have introduced the L6986I device, a high-performance synchronous buck converter that is designed for use in applications that require isolated power conversion.

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Anglia wins Schaffner accolade


Anglia Components has won Schaffner’s UK distributor of the year award for 2004 with sales growth of almost 70% over 2003 as well as having registered the highest number of original design-in projects out of the distribution network. This is only Anglia’s second year as a Schaffner distributor.

Andy Kotas, marketing manager of Schaffner, said, “Anglia’s performance has been excellent for Schaffner this year and has already exceeded this year’s target with 3 months to go.

Lee Nye (left) marketing director of Anglia Components and Sam Williamson Components Sales Manager of Schaffner.


I believe Anglia are particularly strong for new design wins as they have a dedicated team of engineers constantly supporting their external sales teams at customer sites.”

Lee Nye, marketing director of Anglia Components, said: “We are delighted to receive this award from Schaffner. It shows what can be achieved in a short time when there is close cooperation at all levels. We expect our Schaffner business to go from strength to strength and aim to improve upon our performance to retain the award in 2005”.

For more information on the full range of Schaffner products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was modified from an article by Colin Holland, Originally published 5 November 2004.

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