Anglia Components

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STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 low power Infrared Sensor offers excellent sensitivity and detects stationary objects. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The STHS34PF80 sensor from STMicroelectronics is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared (IR) motion and presence detection sensor.

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Anglia awarded Omron distributor of the year

Omron's Chief Operating Officer Nigel Blakeway presents Anglia Managing Director Steve Rawlins with the Omron Distributor of the year award.


Omron Components has announced Anglia Components as Distributor of the Year for the UK and Ireland for 2003/4. The award recognises Anglia’s achievements in key areas such as sales growth, demand creation and marketing initiatives for the complete range of Omron products including Relays, Switches, Connectors and Sensors.

Anglia's advanced logistics and warehousing system, together with a large investment into stock holding of Omron products mean that lead times are kept to a minimum, whilst Anglia's sales and technical staff help to ensure that customers find the ideal component for their application.

Anglia Managing Director, Steve Rawlins commented;

“This is a very significant award for Anglia. Omron is widely regarded as a market leader in its field and they have a world class product range. We are delighted that they have recognised Anglia’s design-in capabilities and in-depth knowledge of the UK electronics market place which has resulted in significant new business opportunities for both Omron and Anglia.”

Omron's Distribution Manager, Alex Grout commented;

"The relationship between Omron and Anglia is still relatively new, and we are impressed within this first full year of trading to see such a dedicated team of motivated individuals. We hope to build on this achievement and focus on an even more successful FY2004 / FY2005 with more success stories for our new range of products.

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This news article was originally published in November 2004.

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