Anglia Components

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Harwin expand range of ready-to-use Gecko cable assemblies, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin has expanded its range of ready-to-use cable assemblies for the high reliability range of Gecko connectors with the addition of cable assemblies for the Gecko-SL connectors which feature Screw-Lok (SL) jackscrew fixings.

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Anglia and The Prince's Trust help local community


The Prince's Trust is a UK charity that helps young people overcome barriers and get their lives working.

Through practical support including training, mentoring and financial assistance, it helps 14-30 year olds to realise their potential.

The Trust focuses its efforts on young people who struggle at school, are in or leaving care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law.

Malcolm Fry and Karen Ward of Anglia provide business mentoring and guidance to support the efforts of the Prince's Trust in the local community.

Since the charity was founded by HRH The Prince of Wales in 1976, it has helped over half a million young people.

Anglia supports the efforts of the Prince's Trust by providing free support and guidance to young people within the local community.

By providing company time and facilities and utilising the skills of employees to provide business mentoring services Anglia helps the Prince's Trust to fulfil its goal of delivering high quality practical solutions at a local level.

For more information about The Prince's Trust, click on the link below.

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This news article was published in January 2005.

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