Anglia Components


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Harwin expand range of ready-to-use Gecko cable assemblies, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin has expanded its range of ready-to-use cable assemblies for the high reliability range of Gecko connectors with the addition of cable assemblies for the Gecko-SL connectors which feature Screw-Lok (SL) jackscrew fixings.

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Anglia announces new company structure

  Anglia has announced that it has restructured its operation to provide a revised management infrastructure for the future and a firm foundation for continued profitable growth. Under the new organisation the current Group Managing Director, Steve Rawlins, will take over the role of CEO from the founder Bill Ingram, who will become President of the Company.
(above) CEO Steve Rawlins

Steve will become a shareholder of the trading company, Anglia Components Limited, and Sales Director Jim Ward also joins the Executive Board of Directors. At the same time, Neville Reyner CBE DL joins the Board as a Non-Executive Chairman, while Keith Hover continues as Company Secretary.

The restructuring acknowledges Bill’s reduced day-to-day involvement; however he will continue to hold a majority stake in the trading company through the group holding company, affirming his wish to maintain Anglia's status as an independent distributor. In addition, Steve Rawlins' new position recognises his ongoing contribution to the growth and continuing success of the business over his 30 years of service, and should be viewed as a significant step forward in the succession process.

Under Bill’s leadership, Anglia commenced trading in 1972, and in the intervening period has increased its annual sales by a factor of 1000 to almost £30m.

The restructuring will provide continuity and reassurance for suppliers, customers and employees alike. Contracts of employment and pension arrangements will be unaffected by the new arrangements.

Commenting on the restructuring, the new CEO Steve Rawlins said, “The new management structure supports Anglia’s commitment to the current strategic direction of the business, and underlines Bill’s confidence in the existing management team. I am delighted to have been offered a share in the business, which has been consistently successful even through the tough market conditions we have experienced over the past few years. I am honoured to be given the mandate, and look forward to taking the company into the next phase of its development.”

Click here for a PDF copy of the press release


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This news article was originally published in March 2006.

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