Anglia Components

A postcard from Electronica 2006
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Introducing the STM32H5 series from STMicroelectronics, the most powerful Arm Cortex-M33 MCU, samples and evaluation boards available from Anglia
STMicroelectronics has introduced a new performance-oriented microcontroller (MCU) series, the STM32H5 MCU has cutting-edge security provided by STM32Trust TEE Security Manager for smart, connected devices.

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Electronica is the most important trade fair for components and systems, and provides an excellent opportunity for members of the global electronics industry community to get together.

The 2006 event, in particular, was a great success for Anglia.

With an up-to-date program of innovation and information from more than 3,000 exhibitors on 160,000 m² of exhibition space, Anglia shone out from the crowd with our new stand in Hall A5 of the New Munich Trade Fair Centre.

  A pair of Laurel and Hardy impersonators were amongst the entertainment on hand for the many suppliers and customers who came to discuss their specific business requirements with Anglia, or just take the weight off their feet and join us for a drink and entertainment. A great time was had by all and Anglia would like to extend our thanks to all those involved in making Electronica 2006 such a success.

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This news article was originally published in December 2006.

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