Anglia Components

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Anglia adds Cliff connector range
Anglia Components PLC today announced that it has added Cliff Electronic Components range of high quality audio, professional and industrial connectors its portfolio.

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Anglia PartTracker enhanced to notify users of product changes and availability

Anglia has introduced significant enhancements to its popular PartTracker Web service, which now automatically notifies users of any changes to parts they have already purchased, or of any termination in the supply of particular parts.


When a user logs into the site, a list is displayed that shows all Product Change Notifications (PCNs) and Product Termination Notifications (PTNs) relating to part numbers they have purchased from Anglia.

PartTracker was first launched just over a year ago, with the aim of providing a Web-based information resource that kept users up to date with the RoHS compliance status of parts on their bills of materials. The same framework is now being used to keep customers informed of all the relevant changes to specification or availability of the components they purchase. Said David Pearson, Anglia’s technical marketing manager, “PartTracker gives our customers immediate access to all the relevant data about the components they are interested in, including any changes to their mechanical or electrical specification and whether they are scheduled to be discontinued. This gives the engineer or purchaser an unprecedented level of control over decisions on sourcing components for their products. No other component supplier offers as comprehensive a source of information as that available from PartTracker.”

Click here to use the Product Change Alert service

Click here for a PDF copy of the press release
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This news article was originally published in January 2007.

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