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Introducing the OMRON G9KB high-capacity power relay with bidirectional switching capability, samples available from Anglia.
The G9KB high-capacity power relay from OMRON is rated 600VDC at 50A and is capable of bi-directional switching allowing it to replace several conventional relays.

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STMicroelectronics' latest IGBT series is the market’s smallest range of high-performance pencil-coil electronic-ignition drivers

  In automotive ignition systems, control has shifted towards a pencil-coil concept which eliminates high-voltage wires. The spark to be generated can be optimized using separate ignition coils for each cylinder in order to meet the increasingly stringent exhaust emission specifications.

ST’s new STGB/D18N40LZ Coil-on-Plug IGBT drivers, although tailored to ignition coil drivers, are applicable to whatever high voltage or high current is required. This new application-specific technology, qualified as automotive grade and compliant with AEC Q101, represents a significant step towards a larger market penetration through power train applications.

The devices also include the HDP switch and have convenient pin-out for flow-through PCB design. They are also compatible with the most common HDMI switches available in the market today.

The features of the STGB/D18N40LZ include ESD gate-to-emitter protection, very low saturation voltage during the ON state, high pulsed current capacity and logic level gate drive.

The devices are supplied in a variety of packages.

Click here to view the datasheet.

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This news article was originally published in May 2008.

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