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STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 low power Infrared Sensor offers excellent sensitivity and detects stationary objects. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The STHS34PF80 sensor from STMicroelectronics is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared (IR) motion and presence detection sensor.

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Carclo now supports Cree with 26.5mm optics

Carclo has now added holders to its offering by releasing a 26.5mm range of optics that support Cree's XR LEDs.

These are high performance PC optics suitable for a variety of applications from a narrow spot to a tight line of light. The range includes Frosted technology, which gives a very even smooth beam output for narrow through to wide beam, delivering excellent results and without effecting performance.

Click here for details on all of the secondary optics from Carclo.

Click here for details on all of the Cree lighting class LEDs.

To visit the Anglia Lighting website, click here.

For more information, or details on the full range of Carclo products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was published in March 2009

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