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Cree expands XLamp® XR-C LED family to include full range of high-performance colours


Cree has expanded its family of XLamp® XR-C high-power LEDs to include Royal Blue, Blue, Green, Amber, Red-Orange and Red. These LEDs are available in production quantities.

Standard flux order codes at 350 mA are available up to:

* 350 mW in Royal Blue,
* 23.5 lm in Blue,
* 67.2 lm in Green,
* 51.7 lm in Amber, Red-Orange and Red.


The XR-C colour LEDs feature the same isolated thermal path, low thermal resistance and high reliability as the white LEDs in the XR-C family. They also offer a smooth upgrade path for customers looking to use the same footprint as the XR products.

“We are extending our industry-leading XLamp LED portfolio with new, higher-performance, lower-price options in the XR family form factor,” said Paul Thieken, Cree director of marketing for lighting LEDs. “Cree enables design flexibility for colour LED applications with consistent drive currents and footprints throughout the XLamp XR-C and XR-E LED families.”

For more information on the full range of Cree products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in June 2008.

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