Anglia Components



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Versatile SignalBee family of connectors from HIROSE deals designers a winning hand, samples available from Anglia
The SignalBee family of Wire-to-Wire and Wire-to-Board connectors from HIROSE offers a plethora of solutions for signal cable connections, featuring compact size combined with high-end performance.

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STMicroelectronics adds new monolithic step up LED Driver for multiple LED’s


The LED7706 is the new monolithic step-up LED driver for backlighting and lighting, able to drive up to 60 LEDs with very high dimming performance. The device includes a boost and backlighting section making the LED7706 suitable for general LED lighting and LCD backlighting.

The features of the boost section include, 4.5V to 36V input voltage, internal power MOSFET, internal +5V LDO for device supply, up to 36V output voltage, constant frequency peak current-mode control, 200kHz to 1MHz adjustable switching frequency, pulse-skip power saving mode at light load, programmable Soft-Start and programmable OVP protection.

The backlight section includes, six rows with 30mA maximum current capability (adjustable), up to 35V maximum drop, rows disable option, less than 500ns minimum dimming time (1% minimum dimming duty-cycle at 20kHz dimming frequency), ±2% current matching between rows and LED failure (open and short circuit) detection.

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This news article was originally published in September 2008.

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