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Introducing the OMRON G9KB high-capacity power relay with bidirectional switching capability, samples available from Anglia.
The G9KB high-capacity power relay from OMRON is rated 600VDC at 50A and is capable of bi-directional switching allowing it to replace several conventional relays.

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Cree XLamp LEDs light up the 2008 Olympic Games


Cree LED technology has been lighting up several key venues in Beijing. Two of the most notable installations are in the “Bird’s Nest” (National Stadium) and the “Water Cube” (National Aquatic Centre).

Not only are the lighting effects visually stunning, but it’s also a larger symbol for the “greening” of the global lighting market, a market that has been stagnantly satisfied with the light bulb and – until now – resistant to change for some 100 years.

For further details about the Olympic illuminations, click here.

For details about the XLamp range of LEDs, as well as other Cree news articles and product data, click here.

For more information, or details on the full range of Cree products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in August 2008.

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