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Introducing the PLPC series of press fit panel light pipes from Bivar, samples available from Anglia
The PLPC series light pipe from Bivar feature a countersunk flush mount design for smooth panel appearance and are ideal for applications where indication or backlighting is required on a panel.

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Firex North Roadshow, Harrogate

Date: 21-22 October 2008
Location: Harrogate International Centre

As a dedicated regional fire prevention and protection event, Firex North presents a convenient way for installers, specifiers and end users to source new products and suppliers, stay abreast of the latest market developments and network with colleagues.

Anglia Displays will be exhibiting at Booth A19 demonstrating LCD displays from Hitachi, Sharp, Bona Fide and CCT together with a comprehensive portfolio of essential accessories. Offering extensive technical support and advice, Anglia Displays can also provide starter kits, evaluation boards and reference platforms to enable you to fast track the introduction of your end product.

With over 1,500 visitors attending the Firex South earlier this year, the Roadshows hold great appeal for those with busy schedules.

For further details about the event and to pre-register, click here.

For further details about Anglia Displays, click here.

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This news article was published in September 2008

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