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STMicroelectronics introduce white goods user interface demonstration board

  The STEVAL-IHI001V1 is a demonstration board designed to simulate the user interface of a washing machine.

The board is based on the low-cost 8-bit ST7LITE49M microcontroller equipped with an I²C bus interface, and the STLED316S serial interfaced 6-digit LED controller with key-scan.

The features of the board include 3 seven segment displays and 32 LED’s, adjustable LED brightness and ICC and extra I²C bus connector.

The demonstration board is designed to work as a stand-alone application, or as a motherboard for the STEVAL-IHI002V1 daughter board, which features the STMPE1208S capacitive sensing device and can be plugged into the STEVAL-IHI001V1 to operate as a capacitive single touch keyboard.

Gerber files, schematics and bills of materials are available for the boards.

Click here to view the application note.

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This news article was originally published in December 2008.

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