Anglia Components

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STMicroelectronics STHS34PF80 low power Infrared Sensor offers excellent sensitivity and detects stationary objects. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The STHS34PF80 sensor from STMicroelectronics is an uncooled, factory-calibrated, infrared (IR) motion and presence detection sensor.

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The ARC Show - Lighting Industry Event, Earls Court, London, 4-5 February 2009

The arc showAnglia Lighting will be exhibiting at this year's ARC show, stand 55A.

The ARC Show is where the lighting industry gather every February to source products, find new suppliers, keep up to date with the latest product launches and lighting ideas and catch up with contacts within the industry.

Anyone involved in the purchasing, designing or developing of lighting products in an architectural, retail or commercial capacity should make sure they attend.

Due to the significant growth of the event, the show is moving to Earls Court Two for 2009.

From manufacturers and suppliers of lighting equipment and global distributors, to architects and lighting designers, The ARC Show is the perfect opportunity to meet with key industry suppliers and customers under one roof.

Leading manufacturers and suppliers from the industry will be showcasing innovative new products - representing architectural, retail and commercial lighting solutions

The prestigious IALD Enlighten Europe Conference once again takes place during The ARC show in 2009. Previous speakers included a variety of professionals throughout the lighting industry.

Click on the floorplan below to view a larger version.


To visit the Anglia Lighting website, click here.

For more information about the ARC show, click here.

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This news article was originally published in February 2009.

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