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ADA4099 series of rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifiers from Analog Devices offer robust & precise performance, evaluation board and samples available from Anglia
The ADA4099 series of precision operational amplifiers from Analog Devices are a range of high-performance op amps designed to meet the demands of modern precision applications.

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STMicrolectronics introduce ESD Transil™ protection for charger and battery port

  With the proliferation of spare chargers and China’s new regulation (YD/ T 1591-2006) requiring USB interfaces to charge mobile phones, the need for robust and integrated EOS and ESD protection is becoming central.

The new ESDA8V2-1MX2 from ST provides a complete solution to protect against high ESD stresses and powerful electrical surges on domestic power mains, so giving designers a high confidence level on the robustness of their circuit.

Designed for mobile phones and portable devices, it is the smallest product on the market with such high performance.

Key features of the ESDA8V2-1MX2 include a low leakage current of 0.5uA at 5V, peak pulse power of 500W with maximum IPP of 27A, low clamping voltage at 13V for a current IPP of 5A and VBR of 8.2V minimum to fit power supply applications.

The devices are supplied in the DFN-2 package.

For more information, or details on the full range of STMicroelectronics products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in January 2009.

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