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Omron shrinks FPC connectors to a new ultra-low profile version


Omron has further miniaturised its FPC connector portfolio, with the introduction of a new ultra-low profile version that is just 0.5mm thick fully assembled, as well as a solution offering a reduced footprint, based on the smallest ever front-back depth.

The Omron XF2U is 3.5mm front to back on a 0.5mm pitch, so that it occupies just two-thirds of the board area of a comparable XF2M connector, based on the 24-way style – comparable with the space requirements for 0.3mm pitch solutions. The XF2U accepts standard 0.2mm thick FPC, and features Omron’s patented rotary backlock mechanism to reduce the number of assembly steps. The connector has a low 0.9mm profile, and has double-sided contacts allowing the cable to be inserted either way up.

The new addition extends Omron’s range of FPC connectors, on 0.3mm and 0.5mm pitch for 0.3mm, 0.2mm and 0.12mm thick FPC cable. The 0.5mm pitch XF2M range is offered in the widest range of styles, with 14 different versions available with 10 – 50 ways on 0.3mm thick FPC cable. A more compact solution is the XF2B, on a 0.3mm pitch for 0.2mm thick FPC. The XF2C is a cost-effective solution for 0.12mm FPC interconnect, with an assembled height of 0.9mm.These 3 types all feature Omron’s patented rotary backlock mechanism. Omron also offers non-ZIF FPC connectors, and alternative locking mechanism styles, to address the widest range of customer preferences.

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This news article was originally published in July 2009.

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