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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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FH12 –0.5mm pitch, flexible printed circuit connector from Hirose

FH12 -0.5mm Flexible printed circuit connector   Hirose’s FH12 is a versatile range of FPC connectors that have a height of only 2.0mm and contacts on a pitch of 0.5mm. Suitable for a wide variety of compact equipment, their low profile also makes them ideal for applications such as LCD/TFT display interface.

The unique zero insertion force rotational actuator and contact design uses the tip of each contact to form a hinge point for the actuator. This ensures the cover is held securely in place along the whole length of the connector and guarantees an even contact normal force with a reliable connection on every contact.

There are three types within the range. Top or bottom contact and vertical mounted connectors. The range is further extended to include 1.0mm pitch connectors, which is achieved by loading every other contact.

Reliable soldering on the production line is made possible with a unique solder cavity that will absorb excess solder to ensure a perfect solder joint every time.

FH12 can be used with either copper or carbon tracked FPC cables that can be 0.3 or 0.18mm thick.

For more information, or details on the full range of Hirose products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in September 2009.

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