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Introducing the STMicroelectronics LED1202 12-Channel low quiescent current LED driver samples and evaluation boards available from Anglia
The LED1202 from STMicroelectronics is a programmable 12-channel low quiescent current LED driver. The device guarantees 5 V output driving capability and has 12 low-side current generators allowing each channel to provide up to 20 mA output current

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Wi-Fi Module now available from Tibbo

  Tibbo have finalised the design of the WA1000 802.11b Wi-Fi add-on module. A piggy-back module for the EM1000, this allows the system designer to add wireless Ethernet capability to a Tibbo design with no extra PCB space required.

The EM1000 is a proven Ethernet-enabled module which can be used as the heart of a communications application. With a large GPIO count, 4 serial ports, up to a megabyte of on-board memory and an optional RTC backup supercapacitor, the 50 MIPS EM1000 is now the ideal choice for either wired or wireless applications.

The WA1000 can be used as a piggy-back module or if height is an issue it can be placed separately to the EM1000 module, perhaps as an alternative to a wired Ethernet connector.

In conjunction with Tibbo’s Embedded Device Server code, this makes designing a wireless-capable web server easier than ever. As with all Tibbo products, the EM1000 / WA1000 combination can use Tibbo’s data warehousing service to allow an application to log and store data for remote access even when offline. When online, applications can access the webserver to affect operation of the module or to access stored data as usual.

The Tibbo IDE has been expanded to support devices of type EM1000W to add wireless capability. New high-level constructs have been added to support wireless functionality within Tibbo OS. As before, the EM1000 can be configured to operate as a standalone serial-to-Ethernet device or as a programmed device running a full embedded application.

With the release of their latest Ethernet adapters, Tibbo provide the system developer with the best tools to quickly and efficiently add Internet connectivity to any application. Wired or wireless, Tibbo now offer the easiest path to market for embedded applications.

For more information on the full range of Tibbo products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2008.

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