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Introducing the ADG1412L Quad SPST analog switch with industries best low On-resistance from Analog Devices. Evaluation board and samples available from Anglia.
The ADG1412L from Analog Devices is a high-performance, quad-channel analog switch designed to meet the demands of precision signal routing in various applications.

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Microchip announces application-specific development platforms for latest 16- and 32-bit PIC® microcontrollers and dsPIC® digital signal controllers

Microchip has announced the introduction of application-specific PICtail Plus Daughter Boards for the popular Explorer 16 Development Board (Part Number DM240001). Through processor-specific plug-in modules, support for Microchip’s 16-bit PIC24 microcontrollers (MCUs), dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) and its latest 32-bit PIC32 MCUs is provided. Using PICtail Plus daughter cards, the Explorer 16 platform can be adapted to address specific applications, thereby reducing prototype development time and providing additional reference design insight.

The Microchip Explorer 16 is already Microchip’s most popular 16/32 bit development platform, thanks to its support for all 16- and 32-bit MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs.

Key Facts:
• Application-specific expansion boards target Microchip’s most popular development platform
• Provides extensive hardware and software support for faster application development
• Takes advantage of the pin, peripheral, software and development-tool compatibility between all 16- and 32-bit products
• Interoperation between PICtail™ Plus Daughter Boards allows rapid development of complete solutions
• Explorer 16 daughter cards support graphics, Ethernet, USB, CAN/LIN, SD/MMC card interface, audio, IrDA®, and motor control applications

With the additional PICtail Plus daughter boards, the Explorer 16 can now target a larger number of specific applications, making it a very flexibly development platform. There are now ten PICtail Plus daughter boards available for the Explorer 16, providing a wide range of functionality, which can be used in conjunction to develop complete solutions.

The USB PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164131) is a USB demonstration board for evaluating Microchip’s USB enabled MCUs using Explorer 16. Features include example circuits and Microchip’s free USB 2.0 Embedded Host and On-The-Go (OTG) Stacks.

The Ethernet PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164123) allows embedded Ethernet applications to be developed and evaluated. The board includes Microchip’s 28-pin ENC28J60 MAC/PHY Ethernet Controller and an RJ-45 connector.

The Motor Control PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164128) interfaces with Microchip’s High-Voltage or Low-Voltage Power Modules (part numbers DM300021 and DM300022 respectively). Both Sensor and Sensorless applications are supported through hardware on the board, with Hall sensors, optical encoders, back EMF and current sensors. The dsPIC33F J256MC70 Motor Control Plug-in Module for the Explorer 16 is also included.

The Graphics PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164127) demonstrates Microchip’s graphic LCD display solution, including Microchip’s Graphics Library for 16- and 32-bit processors. The solution contains a colour QVGA display with Resistive Touch-Screen capability.

The Speech Playback PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164125) implements a fourth-order low-pass filter, speaker amplifier, speaker and 1Mbit SPI Serial EEPROM for playback-only applications. The Audio PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164129) features microphone Line In inputs plus Line Out and Speaker outputs. A low-pass filter converts PWM signals to analogue signals, while DAC-generated signals are converted to a single-ended analogue signal by a differential amplifier, before final amplification for either the Line Out or Speaker outputs.

For applications that require solid-state external memory, the PICtail Daughter Board for SD and MMC Cards (part number AC164122) offers a universal board that interfaces Secure Digital (SD) and Multi-Media Card (MMC) memory to the SPI bus of the Explorer 16 platform. For connectivity requirements, the ECAN™/LIN PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part numbers AC164130) offers easy evaluation and implementation of applications using the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Local Interconnect Network (LIN) interfaces, as implemented on selected dsPIC33 DSCs and PIC24H 16-bit MCUs.

The IrDA PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164124) includes a TFDU100 infrared optical sensor module from Vishay Semiconductor, which interfaces directly to the UARTs in either PIC24 or dsPIC33 devices.

The Prototype PICtail Plus Daughter Board (part number AC164126) is an expansion breadboard for the Explorer 16 platform. It provides access to all of the processor pins for any Microchip 16- or 32-bit controller, with a general-purpose prototyping area. Each purchase includes three Prototype PICtail Plus boards.

All PICtail Plus Daughter Boards are available from Anglia.

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This news article was published in June 2009

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