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Sensirion release evaluation board combining temperature, humidity, air quality and barometric pressure sensing, evaluation board and samples available from Anglia.
Sensirion have released the SENSEVAL-SCB4XV1 evaluation board which combines temperature, humidity, indoor air quality and barometric pressure sensor in one board.

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STMicroelectronics STCF06 dual-mode buck-boost converter with I2C interface is suitable for camera flash applications


The increasing demand for higher currents to supply the high-power LED’s used as flash light sources in portable equipment is being fully addressed by the STCF06, the latest product belonging to the STCFXX camera flash family.

In addition to the large amount of current (in excess of 1.5 A) being supplied to the LED’s, the STCF06 integrates a full set of features specifically designed for the camera flash function. These features are easily controlled by means of an I2C bus interface that helps reduce the logic pin count and number and length of the traces on the PCB.

The I2C interface allows a control of the current intensity in flash and torch mode and both of them can be programmed separately with 16 exponential steps.

Because of the dual-mode buck-boost architecture, the STCF06 guarantees a tight LED current control over all supply voltage conditions and for any forward voltage of the LED. Flash mode current is adjustable up to 1.5 A (Vin from 2.5 to 5 V), while the current in torch mode is programmable from 29 mA to 370 mA.

The auxiliary LED current can be adjusted from 0 to 20 mA. The device uses an external NTC resistor to sense the temperature of the white LED. The device is supplied in the μTFBGA25 3mm x 3mm package.

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This news article was originally published in September 2009.

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