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Introducing the Flecto range of board-to board floating connectors from Harwin, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin's Flecto range represents the state-of-the-art of today's floating connector technologies. Capable of withstanding up to ±0.5mm misalignment in both the X and Y axes, these fine-pitch board-to-board connectors offer perfect alignment.

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Microchip announces PICkit™ 3 Debug Express

Microchip has announced higher performance for its most popular low-cost PICkit™ development platform. The PICkit 3 Debug Express kit includes PICkit 3 debugger and programmer probe, 44-pin demo board populated with a PIC18F45K20 MCU, free MPLAB® IDE and free version of the MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs. All this is supported by easy-to-understand lessons and tutorials, and a host of other software utilities, examples with source code and full documentation.

The PICkit 3 debug express works with 8- and 16-bit PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® digital signal controllers (DSCs), and will support 32-bit PIC MCUs at a later date. Support for new PIC MCUs and DSCs.

Key Facts:
• Low-cost PICkit™ development platform gets performance boost
• Plug-and-play USB functionality for in-circuit debugging
• Target power to 44-pin demo board - no external power required

Connected to and powered by a PC USB port, the plug-and-play kit provides in-circuit debugging functions such as halt, single step, breakpoint on data or address, and a stopwatch for measuring target application performance. It can supply target power to the 44-pin demo board, so no external power is required. Additionally, with a 6-pin ICSP™ connector similar to that on the PICkit 2 debug express, the PICkit 3 probe is compatible with PICkit 2 demo kits and with Microchip’s MPLAB ICD 2- and 3-compatible demonstration/evaluation kits using an optional RJ-11 to ICSP adapter (Part # AC164110).

The PICkit 3 debug express kit (Part # DV164131) comes complete with USB cable and CDs containing the MPLAB IDE, tutorials, and a user’s guide.

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This news article was published in October 2009

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