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Eaton Bussmann Multilayer Ferrite Beads feature high impedance offering superior high-frequency noise reduction, samples available from Anglia.
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Industry’s best efficiency, transient performance now in four and six phase PWM controllers for Intel Core Processor applications

Intersil ISL6334, ISL6334A and ISL6336, ISL6336A Also Save Cost And Space By Providing Phase Dropping, Diode Emulation and Gate Voltage Optimization for VR11, VR11.1 Intel-based Servers, Desktops, Workstations, Gaming Applications

  Intersil Corporation a world leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance analog semiconductors, has expanded its growing family of VR11.1-compliant PWM controllers with new 4-phase and 6-phase PWM controllers that feature the industry’s highest light load efficiency and very fast transient performance.

The ISL6334 and ISL6334A are 4-phase PWM controllers and the ISL6336 and ISL6336A are 6-phase PWM controllers. Both sets regulate microprocessor core voltage by driving multiple channels (up to four for the ISL6334s and up to six for the ISL6336s) using a multiphase architecture that increases channel ripple frequency. The architecture also reduces input and output ripple currents. This enables the use of fewer total components, resulting in a smaller total footprint, lower cost, reduced power dissipation, and improved reliability.

Designed for server, desktop, workstation and gaming motherboards based upon Intel‘s VR11.1 CPUs, the controllers meet the tightly regulated output voltage position requirements of new microprocessors by using patented techniques to sense output current continuously. They measure the voltage across the DCR of the output inductor or a dedicated current sense resistor to provide the needed signals for precision droop, channel-current balancing and overcurrent protection. When using DCR current sensing, compensation of all thermal effects is accomplished through addition of a single low-cost NTC resistor network.

The ISL6334 and ISL6336 each implement combinations of phase dropping, diode emulation and gate voltage optimization technology (GVOT). This combination provides best-in-class light load efficiency performance. The ISL6334A and ISL6336A also each offer phase dropping.

This family of PWM controllers also support both standard and coupled inductor implementations and deliver ±0.5% system accuracy over life, load, line and temperature, providing a very tight regulation window to improve load line accuracy. Active pulse positioning and adaptive phase alignment technology developed by Intersil deliver very fast transient response and low Cout.

The new controllers also are excellent design choices for voltage regulator modules.

For more information, or details on the full range of Intersil products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2009.

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