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Introducing the FunctionMAX family of board-to-board connectors from Hirose with floating contacts and support for high-speed data transmission, samples available from Anglia.
The FunctionMAX family of connectors from Hirose are Board-to-Board connectors Engineered for the demands of modern electronics systems, Hirose's FunctionMAX connectors redefine board-to-board connections.

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Intersil delivers world’s most highly-integrated battery charger for portable devices

  Intersil Corporation has announced the ISL9222A, a battery charger innovation designed to detect auxiliary and external power connections.

The ISL9222A is a high input, single cell, Li-Ion battery charger IC that incorporates a charger and digital logic (OR gate) into a single chip. This compact package enables customers to create small footprint solutions. The ISL9222A’s high level of integration and small size make it ideal for applications that require overvoltage protection, test fixture power detection or reverse blocking.

The ISL9222A accepts an input voltage up to 28V, but is disabled when the input voltage exceeds the overvoltage protection threshold (typically 7.2V) in order to prevent excessive power dissipation. The 28V rating eliminates the overvoltage protection circuit required with a low input voltage charger.

The charge current is user-programmable with an external resistor. When the battery voltage is lower than 2.55V, the charger preconditions the battery with 20% of the programmed charge current. The ISL9222A also features a thermal foldback function that protects the charger from over-temperature conditions.

The ISL9222A also features voltage accuracy is 1%. An indication pin (PPR) allows simple interface to a microprocessor or LED. When there is no adapter attached to the charger or when the charger is disabled, the ISL9222A draws less than 1 microamp leakage current from the battery.

For more information, or details on the full range of Intersil products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in September 2009.

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