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Introducing the OMRON G9KB high-capacity power relay with bidirectional switching capability, samples available from Anglia.
The G9KB high-capacity power relay from OMRON is rated 600VDC at 50A and is capable of bi-directional switching allowing it to replace several conventional relays.

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Microwave Solutions Ltd introduce Waveshift™ 24GHz microwave doppler motion detector unit


MSL has launched the initial model of a range of 24GHz modules. Developed under the project name "Waveshift™" these will be available in standard and direction sensing versions with a range of alternative antenna coverage patterns to suit varying applications.

Microwave Solutions Ltd. also design and manufacture a full range of X-Band (10GHz) Microwave Doppler Motion Detector Units. These units utilise the Doppler shift phenomenon to "sense" motion and are available in a variety of different formats. They can be incorporated into a wide range of sensors and are suitable for the applications such as Intrusion Alarms, Automatic Door Openers, Speed Measurement, Energy Management, Collision Avoidance, Traffic Control, Presence Sensing and Home Automation.

An overview of the range is available here.

For more information, or details on the full range of MSL products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in March 2009.

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