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OMRON Expands G5Q Series with Compact G5Q-HR Latching/Single-Stable Relay, Offering Low Power Consumption and High Inrush Current Resistance, samples available from Anglia
The G5Q series from OMRON offers a compact, slimline and versatile relay suitable for a wide variety of applications, the G5Q has become a global standard for compact power relays.

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Cinterion announces wireless modules AC75i, AC65i advanced automotive modules for telematics and eCall applications

Cinterion Wireless Modules, the global leader in cellular M2M communication modules, recently announced its sixth generation of automotive grade modules - AC65i and AC75i. The new modules are designed to meet the specific requirements of the European eCall initiative and add advanced telematics features. They are ideal for automotive applications such as toll collect solutions, telematics applications, fleet management, emergency call and roadside assistance solutions that must operate seamlessly across country and network borders. Both modules are fully type approved for worldwide GSM networks which hastens the time to market for customers. The AC65i and AC75i will be available for mass production in these days.

In addition to Cinterion’s standard automotive module features including antenna diagnostics, Remote SIM Access Profile, Radio Link Stability (RLS) Monitoring, RIL software for Microsoft® Windows Mobile™ 6.1 based devices and advanced temperature management, the new modules integrate a powerful ARM9™ processor for embedded onboard processing. Together with integrated large memory capacity, they form the perfect basis for sophisticated telematics applications. The new modules are prepared in advance to meet the coming requirements of the European eCall initiative and are compliant with all relevant quality standards including TS 16949 and are listed in the IMDS (International Material Data System).

The new automotive modules include:

  • AC65i – Offering Quad-Band GPRS class 12 functionality, eCall prepared, RLS monitoring, embedded processing based on Java™ and featuring improved power-saving modes, multi-threading as well as On-Device Debugging.
  • AC75i – Offering Quad-Band EDGE class 12 and GPRS class 12 functionality allowing for quicker data transmission, eCall prepared, RLS monitoring, Advanced Temperature Management as well as a RIL driver for Microsoft® Windows Mobile™ 6.1 based applications.

Order Details:

AC75i: L30960-N1300-A100
AC65i: L30960-N1320-A100

Click here to download the datasheet for AC65i and AC75i

For more information, or details on the full range of Cinterion products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2009.

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