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OMRON Expands G5Q Series with Compact G5Q-HR Latching/Single-Stable Relay, Offering Low Power Consumption and High Inrush Current Resistance, samples available from Anglia
The G5Q series from OMRON offers a compact, slimline and versatile relay suitable for a wide variety of applications, the G5Q has become a global standard for compact power relays.

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Cree announces industry’s brightest and highest-efficiency lighting-class LED


Cree has announced its newest addition to its lighting-class XLamp® LED family—the XLamp XP-G LED.

The cool white XLamp XP-G provides 139 lumens and 132 lumens per Watt at 350 mA. Driven at 1 A, the XP-G produces 345 lumens, which is 37 percent brighter and 53 percent more efficient than the brightest XR-E LED.

The XP-G LED has the highest lumen density of any available lighting-class LED, and it is based on the XLamp XP family package.

"The XLamp XP-G again raises the level of performance available from our XLamp LED family," said Paul Thieken, Cree, marketing director, LED components. "This product is designed for customers requiring the highest levels of brightness and efficacy."

Cree is currently taking sample requests for the XLamp XP-G and targets the product to be commercially available the third quarter of calendar 2009.

For more information, or details on the full range of Cree products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2009.

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