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EPC - The Power of GaN for Motor Drivers Webinar, in partnership with Anglia
In this webinar we will discover how to use the enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaNŽ) FETs and ICs for motor drives.

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AVX’s board-to-board connectors save board space between high-density power components and PCBs


These low-profile board-to-board connectors feature a small form factor of 3.0mm stacking height with a 0.4mm pitch contact.

Designated the 5846 Series, the connectors provide increased board space for high-density power components placed between PCBs. The rugged board-to-board connectors are constructed in a pinched contact structure and feature a fully insulated bottom plate that protects the contacts, making the device highly resistant to vibration, drop shock, and short-circuits in respect to printed tracks on the PCB.

Because of its ultra low-profile and small form factor, the reliable 5846 Series board-to-board connectors significantly reduce installation costs in space-sensitive applications.  Capable of saving 20% of board space, this innovative design provides engineers with a flexible, high-performance device. 

The 5846 Series connectors are ideal for a number of space-saving board applications, including laptop computers, wireless handheld devices, POS terminals and metering, RF module, handheld test equipment and medical electronics.

The board-to-board connector employs a Twin Rib contact structure that wipes the contacts clean during every mating cycle, while at the same time providing low insertion force with a high retention and separation force.

The 5846 Series connectors are available in 20 to 80 positions with a positive mating contact with audible and tactile “click” feedback. The standard 0.5mm pitch contacts feature a gold flash finish for higher reliability soldering. Technical drawings of the FFC/FPC shape are also available upon request.

Other specifications include 0.3A rated contact current, 50V rated contact voltage, gold plated beryllium copper contacts, UL94V-0 heat-resistant insulator material, and an operating temperature range between -40°C to 85°C.

Click here for more information on the 5846 Series.

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This news article was originally published in September 2009.

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