Anglia Components



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High power bolt down fuses from Eaton Bussmann offer current ratings up to 500A, samples available from Anglia.
The Eaton Bussmann AMX(L), AMH and AML series are families of bolt down fuses that provide best in class power density with nominal current ratings up to 500 A.

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AVX Corporation has developed extreme high temperature stacked ceramic capacitors that save board space and can handle harsh and rugged operating environments.



Designated the SMX and CHX Series, the stacked ceramic capacitor were specifically designed to function in extreme temperature transitions and high transient voltage applications including:

  • down-hole oil drilling,

  • undersea explorations,

  • engine controls,

  • avionics,

  • hybrid vehicles

  • aerospace.

The ceramic capacitors feature a space-saving design and are compatible with switch-mode power supplies that distribute high currents and operate within a wide voltage range and temperature range. Unlike other ceramic capacitors, the rugged SMX and CHX Series provide customers with a reliable device that can handle extreme environments and operate in temperatures up to 200°C.

The SMX Series has a maximum capacitance of 340 microfarads at 25V and a maximum voltage rating of 500V.

For more information, or details on the full range of AVX products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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