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Free samples of every STMicroelectronics NPI IC available from Anglia
Anglia Components today announced a commitment to ship sample quantities of every STMicroelectronics (ST) semiconductor NPI (New Product Introduction) free of charge to customers in the UK and EU countries.

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DF12 series, 0.5mm pitch, surface mount board to board connectors from Hirose offering excellent features and benefits

  This connector range features fine pitch receptacles and headers that have been designed with space saving in mind to meet the high demand for miniaturisation. The DF12 connectors allows parallel board to board connection with a choice of four stack heights which are 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm and 5mm.

The user friendly design of the header and receptacle benefits from a vacuum pick-up area to secure the automatic mounting machine for pick and placement. Other advantages include optional metal holddowns for the protection of the solder joints from peeling off due to mechanical stress. Guide post options are available for manual placement. The number of contacts vary between 10 to 80 positions.

A wide range of applications are suitable for this product range, in particular wireless modules. Others include digital cameras, PDA, LCD displays, digital video recorders, car navigation, access control, set top box and many other portable devices.

For more information on the full range of Hirose products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2009.

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