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Panasonics comprehensive range of Polymer Capacitors suited to demanding applications continues to expand, samples available from Anglia
Panasonic have one of the widest ranges of Polymer capacitors available in the industry. Polymer capacitors have excellent frequency characteristics due to their ultra-low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) values.

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  Murata piezo sound components offer low profile and low current solution
Murata piezo sounder PKLCS1212E4002  

Murata's piezo sound components are available in low-profile SMD packaging for automotive and consumer electronics. Compared to magnetic/dynamic sound components, piezo sounders and buzzers consume very little current, are lightweight and reduce the amount of components needed in the drive circuit as they can be driven directly from an IC.

There is no magnetic noise interference from piezo parts as the sound component is based on a piezoelectric ceramic diaphragm. The RoHS compliant parts are high impedance (1 to 5kOhm) and are available in SMD packages to help keep assembly costs low.

For consumer electronics and medical equipment, Murata's low profile piezo sounder PKLCS1212E4002 is available with height of just 2mm (dimensions 12 x 12 x 2mm). Typical SPL (sound pressure level) is 65 dB minimum at 4kHz, with a maximum input voltage of 25Vp-p. There is also a lower frequency version available, 2kHz (part number -E2000) which is suitable for equipment used by the elderly. Sounders like this one are also commonly used in home appliances/white goods.

In automotive applications, piezo sounders are widely used for 'beep' tones in the RKE transmitter, car alarm, instrument cluster and navigation systems. As an example, Murata part number PKM17EPP-2002-B0 is ideal for the two-tone sound when the indicators are operating. This 2kHz part can be driven with alternating 1.9 and 2.1kHz pulses to create the two-tone sound required.

For more information, or details on the full range of Murata products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in May 2009.

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