Anglia Components

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Introducing the Flecto range of board-to board floating connectors from Harwin, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin's Flecto range represents the state-of-the-art of today's floating connector technologies. Capable of withstanding up to ±0.5mm misalignment in both the X and Y axes, these fine-pitch board-to-board connectors offer perfect alignment.

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STMicroelectronics introduces PM8834 a 4A dual low-side MOSFET driver


PM8834 is a flexible, high-frequency dual lowside driver specifically designed to work with high capacitive MOSFETs and IGBTs.

Both PM8834 outputs can sink and source 4 A independently. Higher driving current can be obtained by putting in parallel the two PWM output.

PM8834 provides two enable pins which can be used to enable the operation of one or both of the output lines.

PM8834 works with CMOS/TTL compatible PWM signal.

The driver is available in SO8 (PM8834) and VFDFPN8 3x3 mm (PM8834Q) packages.


  • Dual independent low side MOSFET driver with 4 A sink and source capability
  • Independent enable for each driver 
  • Driver output parallel ability to support higher driving capability
  • Matched propagation delays
  • CMOS/TTL compatible input levels
  • Wide input supply voltage range: 5 V to 18 V
  • Embedded driver anti-shoot-through protection
  • Low bias switching current
  • Short propagation delays
  • Wide operative temperature range: -40 °C to 105 °C
  • S08 and VFDFPN8 3x3 mm package


  • Switch mode power supplies
  • DC/DC converters
  • Motor controllers
  • Line drivers
  • Class D switching amplifiers

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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