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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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Fastrax IT500 - Have you seen -165dBm before?

Fastrax IT500

  Fastrax IT500 is the most sensitive GPS receiver module on the market, with its navigation sensitivity of -165 dBm. Due to its very high acquisition sensitivity of -148 dBm, IT500 receiver enables cold start in surprisingly difficult conditions and navigates reliably even in the famous urban canyons.

IT500 is based on the latest GPS technology from Fastrax, answering to the customer requirements of performance and power consumption combined in small package.

Key features of Fastrax IT500:

  • Ultra High Sensitivity: –148 dBm (Cold Start Acquisition)–165 dBm (Navigation)
  • 66 channels
  • 10 Hz fix update rate
  • Very low power consumption: 75mW @ 3.0V
  • Fastrax IT MP compatible (with Fastrax IT03-S and IT300)
  • WAAS/EGNOS support
  • Optional USB 2.0 connection (IT500U)
  • MT3329 chipset

Click here for a datasheet

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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