Anglia Components



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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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Quad sampling A/D converter from MurataPS combines low noise and excellent dynamic performance for a wide range of image processing applications


The ADSQ-1410 is a quad 10MSPS sampling A/D optimized for applications where low noise performance and the ability to convert full-scale step input signals at a 10 MHz conversion rate are required.


With excellent dynamic performance up to Nyquist frequencies, the ADSQ-1410 is also an ideal choice for multi-channel, frequency domain applications. This functionally complete quad A/D uses a single rising edge triggered Start Convert signal to control the conversion cycles of all four A/D’s. The digital CMOS outputs are multiplexed into pairs providing two parallel, 3-state output buses. Four independent Enable Control pins offer individual output data and overflow/underflow selection.

A 2.5V precision internal reference, along with individual analog input range selection pins, provides ideal tracking over temperature while allowing each channel to be independently configured for an analog input range of ±1V to ±2.5V.

Available in both surface-mount and through-hole packages, the ADSQ-1410 requires only ±5V for internal analog supplies and 2V to 5V supply for logic outputs. Typical power dissipation is 2.7 Watts.

Common applications include medical imaging, radar, sonar, communications and instrumentation.


  • Quad 14-bit resolution; 10 MSPS sampling rate
  • Individual channel selectable ±1V to ±2.5V input range
  • Individual channel offset and gain adjustment capabilities
  • Functionally complete; low cost
  • Low noise: 0.5 LSB RMS; no missing codes
  • Excellent dynamic performance: SNR 80dB
  • 2V to 5V CMOS logic outputs with overflow/underflow; 3-latency delays
  • Rising edge-triggered; Individual channel enable / Hi-z outputs
  • ±5V and +2VDD to +5VDD logic output supplies
  • 66-pin SMT or TDIP package
  • Developed for image processing applications
  • Ideal for both time and frequency domain applications

Click here to download a datasheet.

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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