Anglia Components


Higher current ratings for Bulgin’s Standard Buccaneer connectors

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Bulgin’s range of Standard Buccaneer waterproof connectors now have higher current ratings for 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 pole versions.

VDE have approved increased current ratings for 2 and 3 poles from 10A, 250V to 12A, 250V, 4 pole from 6A, 250V to 10A, 250V and 6 and 7 poles from 3A, 250V to 5A, 250V.

This well known, long standing range of IP68 rated connectors comprises 7 body styles, including flex, flex in-line, front and rear panel, PCB, bulkhead and flange mounting and are available in 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12 and 25 poles. Ratings vary from 1A, 50V to 12A, 250V.

Cable acceptance for the flex and flex in-line connectors is 6 to 8mm diameter cable as standard, extending to 3.5 - 9mm with the use of alternative glands, and colour coded identification variants are available in all styles.

Accessories include sealing caps, insulation boot, cable support accessory and a new rear of panel mounting backshell, which provides a rear of panel seal to the panel mounting connectors.

The Standard Buccaneer range carries UL and CSA approvals, as well as VDE approval for the higher ratings.

This range is ideal for applications where the ingress of dust or water is inherent, and will now be extended with the new higher current ratings. Possible applications include water monitoring meters, traffic control systems, CCTV systems, HVAC, environmental monitoring systems, underwater communications equipment and medical equipment.

For more information, or details on the full range of Bulgin products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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