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Anglia Components today announced a commitment to ship sample quantities of every STMicroelectronics (ST) semiconductor NPI (New Product Introduction) free of charge to customers in the UK and EU countries.

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AVX launches ultra thin 0402 surface mount ceramic capacitors for low profile applications



AVX Corporation has released a series of ultra thin ceramic capacitors targeted at applications where low profile is vital, such as smart cards, high density SIM cards, and memory modules. The new UT parts have the same footprint as 0402 devices but are only as thick as conventional 0201 products.  However, they retain the same voltage and capacitance ratings of the standard thicker 0402 capacitors.

Thanks to a novel chemical termination system which allows very precise and highly repeatable termination thickness and dimensions, parts can be produced that measure just 0.3mm high with a capacitance value of 10nF and a voltage rating of up to 25V. Operating temperature is -55 to +85degC. Insulation resistance is 100 000MΩ minimum. ESL is 164pH; ESR is 75.6mΩ.

Comments Product Marketing Manager, Radim Uher: “Our customers have recognized the dimensional benefits that our patented termination process brings. These new UT ceramic capacitors suit applications anywhere the thickness of components is the major hurdle in the design. Later we also expect to introduce even thinner 0.15mm devices for embedding within PCBs, saving even more space.”

For more information, or details on the full range of AVX products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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