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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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Microchip rolls out first PIC® microcontrollers featuring enhanced mid-range 8-bit

PIC16F1934, PIC16LF1934, PIC16F1936, PIC16LF1936, PIC16F1937

Microchip has announced the first six members of the PIC16F193X family of microcontrollers, featuring Microchip’s enhanced mid-range 8-bit core. The increased memory and core capabilities deliver enhanced support for both C and Assembly programmers, while the ‘LF’ family members feature Microchip’s nanoWatt XLP Technology for extreme low power operation. 

The PIC16F1934, PIC16LF1934, PIC16F1936, PIC16LF1936, PIC16F1937 and PIC16LF1937 extend Microchip’s PIC® microcontroller portfolio of over 550 compatible members, targeting a wide variety of applications in the appliance, consumer, industrial, medical and automotive markets.

Key Facts:

  • New PIC family features nanoWatt XLP extreme low power architecture, for power-constrained applications
  • Enhanced 8-bit core offers greater support for C and Assembly programmers
  • Increased memory and I/O, at extreme low power, raises 8-bit performance

Continuing in the PIC MCU tradition of integrating extensive peripherals, the new family offers Direct LCD drive and support for mTouchTM capacitive touch-sensing solutions.

The new devices enable new levels of functionality at lower system cost. Additional features of the PIC16F193X family include:

  • Flash program memory up to 14KB
  • Data RAM up to 512 Bytes
  • 256 Bytes Data EEPROM
  • LCD drive (96 segments)
  • nanoWatt XLP Technology on the “LF” versions
  • mTouch Sensing Solutions peripheral
  • 32MHz internal oscillator
  • Up to 5 Enhanced Capture Compare PWM peripherals with independent time base
  • Reduced Interrupt latency
  • 16-level hardware stack, with overflow/underflow interrupt
  • Low-power 1.8 to 5.5V operation, including full analogue peripheral operation
  • Master SPI/I2C™ and EUSART support for RS-232/RS-485, as well as LIN support
  • Up to 14 channels of 10-bit ADC
  • Two rail-to-rail input comparators with 555 Timer operation
  • 4x8-bit and 1x16-bit timers, with eXtreme Low Power RTC support
  • Robust and reliable operational monitors, such as POR, BOR and low-power WDT

With a total of 49 instructions, the PIC16F193X microcontrollers optimise program code and data handling, while increasing efficiency and reducing clock cycles.


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This news article was published in August 2009

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