Anglia Components



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Introducing the Flecto range of board-to board floating connectors from Harwin, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin's Flecto range represents the state-of-the-art of today's floating connector technologies. Capable of withstanding up to ±0.5mm misalignment in both the X and Y axes, these fine-pitch board-to-board connectors offer perfect alignment.

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TCI introduces the MICROJOLLY a mini dimmable LED driver

MICROJOLLY is a dimmable LED driver which can supply both Power LEDs and module LEDs. It can be dimmed by two different systems: a push-button usually open, or a 1-10V system in case of complex installation or when remote control is needed.  

MICROJOLLY is a dimmable LED driver which can supply both Power LEDs and module LEDs. It can be dimmed by two different systems: a push-button usually open, or a 1-10V system in case of complex installation or when remote control is needed.

MICROJOLLY is available in 2 different ratings: 6W 350mA 24V which can supply 1-4 power LED of 1W or module at 24V, and 6W 500mA 12V which can supply 1-3 power LED of 2W or module at 12V. MICROJOLLY is suitable for several different kind of applications thanks to its very small size and use with remote control systems.

For more information, or details on the full range of TCI products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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