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Introducing the OMRON G9KB high-capacity power relay with bidirectional switching capability, samples available from Anglia.
The G9KB high-capacity power relay from OMRON is rated 600VDC at 50A and is capable of bi-directional switching allowing it to replace several conventional relays.

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Intersil's precision op amp delivers best bias current drift at lowest power

Intersil's precision op amp delivers best bias current drift at lowest power

  Intersil’s ISL28207 op amp features advanced bias current cancellation techniques to achieve extremely low bias current drift over the operating temperature range, making it well-suited for high-impedance input signals for process controls, automated test equipment, and data acquisition.

The first in a family of operational amplifiers built using the company’s new proprietary bipolar process technology, the ISL28207 is a dual 40V low-power bipolar precision operational amplifier that exhibits outstanding DC precision and superb temperature drift performance.

The device offers a low offset voltage of 75 micro-V max and a typical input bias current of 60pA. Temperature drift is only 0.65 micro-V/°C max for input offset voltage and 0.2pA/°C for input bias current, making it ideal for 16- and 24-bit applications. The ISL28207 exhibits a wide operating voltage range of 4.5V to 40V and an operating temperature range of -40 to +125°C.

Other key advantages of the ISL28207 include lower power performance with exceptionally low noise and high DC precision accuracy over temperature (low offset drift), which are required for wireless sensor applications, portable data acquisition, instrumentation, and remote power meters. Also a high ESD protection (4kV HBM) reduces in-field failures for industrial applications in data acquisition and process control.

For more information, or details on the full range of Intersil products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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