Anglia Components

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Introducing the Flecto range of board-to board floating connectors from Harwin, samples available from Anglia.
Harwin's Flecto range represents the state-of-the-art of today's floating connector technologies. Capable of withstanding up to ±0.5mm misalignment in both the X and Y axes, these fine-pitch board-to-board connectors offer perfect alignment.

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Diodes’ cost effective 3W LED driver for lighting applications

Diodes AP8803  

Diodes Incorporated has launched the AP8803, a step-down DC/DC converter designed to drive LEDs with a constant current. The device can drive up to 7 LEDs, depending on the forward voltage of the LEDs, in series from a voltage source of 8V to 30V.

Series connection of the LEDs provides identical LED currents resulting in uniform brightness and eliminating the need for ballast resistors.

The AP8803 switches at frequency up to 700kHz. This allows the use of small size external components. The TSOT23-5 package and need for only 4 external components produces a small solution footprint.

The accuracy, temperature range and cost make it ideally suited to cost sensitive domestic lighting applications.

It is available in green moulded compound as standard.

To view the datasheet click on the following link:

For more information on the full range of Diodes Inc. products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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