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Distributed Air Gap Ferrite Cores from TDK increase power density and reduce size, samples available from Anglia.
TDK's range of standard ferrite cores with distributed air gaps offer designers the opportunity to downsize power supplies whilst at the same time increasing power density.

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AVX develops medium power capacitor series that provides high frequency operation with the lowest stray inductance

AVX develops medium power capacitor series that provides high frequency operation with the lowest stray inductance  

Designated as FFVS Series, the medium power capacitors are designed for applications that require high frequency ripple (>100kHz) DC filtering for induction heating and inductance of less than 10nH on certain models, which makes them well suited for medical applications.

“Due to the advanced design of this reliable power capacitor, we are able to provide the lowest stray inductance of any product on the market while permitting the conduction of ultra high frequency ripples. The rugged FFVS Series capacitors are ideal in applications where standard devices typically fail as a result of the high frequency ripple currents experienced,” said Larry Eisenberger, AVX’s Product Manager.

The FFVS Series includes a broad offering of voltage and capacitance values. The series includes voltage ranges from 600V (with available capacitance ratings of 22µF, 90µF, 140µF and 195µF); to 1900V (with available capacitance ratings of 14µF, 22µF & 32µF). The FFVS Series capacitors are ultra reliable with an extended operating life due to the dry polypropylene dielectric technology feature.

Typical applications include wind power, solar power, hybrid vehicles and medical power supplies used in X-ray, CT-scan, MRI and nuclear imaging equipment.

Click here to download the datasheet

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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