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Introducing the OMRON G9KC high power, 4 pole compact relay with 40A switching capability and ultra-low contact resistance, samples available from Anglia
The G9KC relay from OMRON is a high-capacity, DC power relay designed for demanding industrial, electric vehicle charging and energy management applications. It excels in switching and controlling large direct current loads.

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STM8L - Ultra low power 8-bit microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics


STMicroelectronics has introduced its first ultra-low-power family based on the 8-bit STM8 core. Paving the way for a future complete ultra-low-power platform, the STM8L family combines high performance and ultra-low power consumption thanks to a new proprietary ultra-low-leakage process and optimized architecture. This family is declined in three different lines making the STM8L an optimal family to support many applications with special care on power savings.

The STM8L family gives you the flexibility to upgrade to a higher or downgrade to a lower memory size or use a different package across lines without changing your initial layout or software.


  • 4 to 32 Kbytes of embedded Flash, up to 2 Kbytes of SRAM
  • Three lines: pin-to-pin, software and peripheral compatibility across lines
  • Supply voltage: 1.8V to 3.6V (down to 1.65V at power down)
  • Ultra-low-power modes: down to 350 nA
    with SRAM and context retention
  • Run mode dynamic consumption down to 150 µA/MHz
  • State-of-the-art digital and analog peripherals
  • Operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C or up to 125°C
  • Free touch-sensing library

STM8L 3 different lines
The STM8L101 is the entry point of the ultra-low-power 8-bit portfolio. It is cost optimized and has high level of integration in an ultra-small footprint. The STM8L151 is the feature-rich 8-bit solution, and has more Flash, SRAM and peripherals on board, with external crystal/clock capability, more analog functions, a real-time clock and enhanced reset, EEPROM with true RWW, DMA, fast ADC and DAC. The STM8L152 has an additional segment LCD compared to the STM8L151.

Click here to view the STM8L family

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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